
On the beat

Children caught with weapons in stop-and-search blitz

In the dock

Officers narrowly avoid head-on collision after being assaulted in car

In the corridors

Cops could be dismissed for failing vetting


Cost of housing a prisoner approaches £50,000-a-year


The recruitment and retention crisis facing Police Scotland

Topical spotlight

The devastating impact of Scotland’s retail crime epidemic

On the record

Meet the heroic woman who has fought for improvements to officers’ kit after her husband was killed on duty


Round-up of policing and justice developments


Demand for ‘safe spaces’ to help force cope with mental health crisis


Only one-in-three rail workers feel safe on Scotland’s trains


Crackdown results in more positive results for drug driving than alcohol


Dramatic fall in court fines for littering


TV criminologist bids to overturn a murder conviction


The doctor in charge of the UK’s first drugs consumption room on its first weeks of operation

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